Does Launchpad have funding for new inclusive and affirming churches?
There’s very little money in this inclusive world. And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Fall Reflections – Oct 2022
The theme of my fall has been “homecoming”, and not in the angsty, teenage football game and school dance kind of way (thank God), but
Stand By Me
Tonight as I return from our second rest retreat in Arizona, a few days when we all sat around in the desert in awe of
Joy in the Midst of it All
This is the fourth time that I have preached or studied Mary’s Magnificat and everytime I return to it, I hear it as something new.
Peace in Leadership
Oftentimes, when I pray aloud for people, my go to phrase is to ask God to give them “a peace that surpasses all understanding.” It
A Very “Now and Not Yet” Advent
As we begin the Advent season and the start of a new liturgical year, I find myself frustrated and resonating with the “now and not yet” feeling of the season. We now have a vaccine. We’re able to travel, to see friends, to gather with family. And yet.
Leading from the Passenger Seat
In August I volunteered for the Leadercast conference here in Cincinnati. It was organized by my good friend and fellow faith leader, Joe Boyd. The
Ghost Kitchens, Dumplings and Church Planting
How a recent take-out restaurant experience led Aaron to question the traditional church planting model.
Our New Website!
A ridiculous amount of hours put into launching a new site and a few folks to thank for it.
Pride 20 Years Later
I often forget about Pride Month. It sneaks up on me every year. On calls with potential new partners, I often tell my story and
Lonely in the wilderness
Launchpad Co-Founder Jennifer Fisher preached at Forefront Church on March 14 on the topic of loneliness. Forefront is an Investing Partner in Launchpad.
Preventing COVID Burnout
On our first “Networking & Support Hours” Zoom call in January, several faith leaders on the call spoke about their exhaustion after 11 months of