Thankful for Rest in Arizona

“The W/ Collective Spring Retreat for me was an OASIS. It provided a place of rest, connection, and revival in the Desert Spaces. I often refer to my deconstruction and reconstruction process as Desert Spirituality. I’ve felt alone, afraid, and disconnected. This retreat provided a respite for me. A place to gather around life-giving theology W/ others. We did not all agree. Lord knows I don’t agree with anyone these days across the board, but we all share a similar journey through the dry and dusty places in life. It was a gift to be connected, loved, and valued by others before the world tipped on its side.” 

Shaleen Kendrick, Spiritual Director & Enneagram Coach, Co-Founder of Desert Voices & Launchpad Coaching Client

A small group of us were able to gather for our first ever Spring Rest Retreat co-hosted by Launchpad Partners and W/ Collective at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, Arizona on March 2-5th, 2020. We look back now with incredible gratitude for this brief respite in the desert, not knowing that only a week later life would completely change as we know it. Thank you to our Collective Sponsors City Church San Francisco and Newbigin House of Studies for making the W/ Collective 2019/2020 season of events possible. Launchpad is grateful for the shared opportunity to bring leaders together. This retreat introduced us to pastors and faith entrepreneurs who went on to become coaching clients and friends. 

Jen Fisher, Aaron Bailey, and Jon Gettings (of Denver Community Church) prepared pages of prayer resources for our retreat participants, and we want to share them here. We’ve filled these pages with words and resources from leaders we admire, with particular attention on listening and learning from people of color, women, and LGBTQIA leaders. Click below to find these original pieces and use them in your individual or communal practices. Visit their websites to download more, purchase their books or music, or hire them or their organizations to work with your community. 

Download our prayer resources.

The world needs more inclusive, Jesus-following, antiracist, love & justice-generating communities.